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Our boxers are in my corner

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas: one month post transplant update

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas!!!

It's now been 39 days since the transplant and 25 days since returning home. A busy 25 days its been. Upon returning home I was very tired and fatigued. Which Dr. Fedorenko had warned us that it is about 3 months to fully recover from the chemotherapy fatigue.

A week after returning home I unfortunately caught a cold. To which I am still recovering from this bugger of a cold. Fatigue was already a problem and the cold only added to the tiredness. Was sleeping 18-20 hours a day. Totally worn out. Alicia sent an email to Dr. Fedorenko to let him know what was going on. He confirmed that my Dr.'s here were treating the situation well with antibiotics. He looked over the lab work and felt that my blood work looked good. Just going to take some time to get over the cold with such a compromised immune system.

Now here is some good news! I am already having some positive results from the treatment. Woohoo! Prior to the treatment my legs were giving me problems. They are already much better. Stiffness is gone, burning sensation is gone, and weakness is gone. Actually, the weakness has changed. Prior to treatment the leg weakness was due the nervous system. I am now having some muscle weakness due to lying around in the hospital for 30 days, isolation, and chemo. I lost 20 lbs through the treatment. It may seem like a subtle difference between muscle weakness and nerve weakness, but it is a distinct difference that I can feel. As such, I am feeling very optimistic that the treatment has worked for me!

Returned to work on Wednesday. I am starting slowly by working part time. Nice to be back, but it is tiring. So I need to be careful of not overdoing it. Will be starting some PT and stretching exercises also.

My main goal with this treatment was to stop further progression of the disease. I pray that these improvements reinforce the notion that there will be no more progression. Possibly even reversing more of my symptoms!

All in all I am very excited and happy with the response of the treatment thus far. It's fair to say that having improvement in my health at this Christmas season is the best present EVER!  LOL

Many thanks to all of my supporters,donors,family,friends, and anyone who participated in the many prayer circles out there. Thank you all so very much. Love you all!!!