Our boxers are in my corner

Our boxers are in my corner

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Days are now flying by....quickly

You know, I have been waiting for this treatment for 2 1/2 years now and it seemed the day would never arrive. We will be leaving in 5 days and the time is absolutely flying by. Ha!, it sees that there are a million things to do before we will be completely ready to go.

Think that we have things figured out with communicating back home with family and friends. Its amazing what technology can do in today's world. Have been setting up viber, Skype, and messenger on Facebook. It's pretty cool and should help to break up the boredom of being in a foreign country be myself. We can phone call, text, video chat. All for free from I understand at the moment. Sure hope I am right about that.

Alicia purchased a book about the great tourist places to visit in Moscow. It's pretty impressive to see the amount of history and culture that we can partake in prior to my admittance to the hospital. Unfortunately I only get two days to see the sights and do a little souvenir shopping. Luckily for Alicia she will get to spend a little more time around the city while I undergo testing to see if I will actually be able to get the treatment.

Today I chatted on Facebook with a patient, Brandon, who was just released from isolation. He has already seen some fantastic improvements on some of his MS symptoms. It's so very encouraging to hear so many positive results from HSCT for MS. My main goal is to stop the progression of this nasty disease, any improvement of my symptoms is a bonus.I will get to meet Brandon when I admit into the hospital briefly. He will be discharged a day or two after I admit.

Its my understanding, from talking to many people who have been treated in Moscow, that the patients develop a bond with one another. Guess it makes sense in the regard that we all have experienced a very unique life experience with a chronic debilitating disease. I find it hard to explain to someone what it is like to live in a body that attacks itself randomly. One never knows what is next may happen next, what body function may not work tomorrow. Its kind of a psychological warfare, very unsettling and something the average person does not have to deal with. We have to deal with this all the while that we may look normal, ie the invisible disease. I look forward to meeting and talking to everyone in Moscow and developing a bond with them.

Till next time friends!

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