Our boxers are in my corner

Our boxers are in my corner

Monday, October 31, 2016

Testing Day 1

Fun and games are over for now. Time for the real reason we traveled to Moscow, HSCT. My motivation: STOP MS PROGRESSION & MAINTAIN A DECENT QUALITY OF LIFE!!!

Checked into Pirogov Hospital a little after noon today. Had the pleasure to meet Anastasia Panchecko and then Dr. Denis Fedorenko. Got settled into my room and was immediately served lunch. Lunch was decent, but certainly not up to the quality that we have been enjoying so much since our arrival. 

Had the privilege to meet Sarah who is in a room across the hall from my room. Sarah is from the UK and we had a few chuckles during a brief visit. She had a neck catheter installed shortly before we arrived. She posted this picture on her blog right after it was installed. Its nice to see her in good spirits. Sarah gave me permission to share this photo. We talked some about paying forward for other MS patients considering HSCT. We both followed others who were trailblazers and shared their stories and experiences. It would be absolutely wonderful if we are able to give hope and inspire others to maintain their quality of life as best as possible through HSCT. 

First test was completed in the form of an EKG. Will likely have a couple more tests today. Testing will get underway big time tomorrow. It's likely going to be an action packed day and am planning on being wiped out tomorrow night. 

Alicia fell ill yesterday with a sinus infection. She is really tired and suffering from a tooth ache and tenderness on her cheek. She was given some antibiotics and left for the hotel early. She was to leave before dark, which will make it easier to find the metro (subway) station. I still worry about her being by herself now.

Here is a photo of my hospital room.This is the first room that I will stay in, then will transfer elsewhere as the treatment progresses. Was given an MRI in the evening. Great to see that they have a high quality MRI machine. It is a 3T Siemens scanner and is top notch. Should get the results of all the testing on Wednesday or Thursday. They are going to run several tests on my heart as I have been having some issues with arrhythmia's. Will need to pass all of the tests or I will not receive treatment. Rather I will have to leave Russia without getting treatment. Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well.

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