Our boxers are in my corner

Our boxers are in my corner

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Market place

Second day in Moscow is dedicated to shopping for our kids. (We even splurged and bought something for ourselves.) Luckily there is a market place within walking distance from our hotel. Didn't really have an idea of what to but for everyone and had no idea what to expect at the market place in offerings. But it didn't take long to find something for everyone and we had a blast haggling on prices. In the end everyone was happy, the merchants were fun to talk with and kid around till the sale was complete. Here is the entrance to the market place with Alicia posing.

We had not expected to buy anything for ourselves, but we both ended up buying russian hats. Should have had those hats from the beginning as its been cold and windy since our arrival. Very warm hats, I like them. They are supposed to be rabbit hair hats, but I cant tell if they are. Typical tourist stuff. Ha! They sure are soft though.

Alicia sampled a red hat, but settled on the black one. I like them both. Glad she bought the black one. It suits her well. 

My darn hip is still bothering me today so we went back to the hotel and rested for a bit before going out for dinner. The wifi is very spotty at the hotel so it makes updating the blog a challenge. Will try to keep up the best I can.

Japanese food is the cuisine we both agreed to feast on for dinner. The Russia HSCT forum had made this recommendation for us. Again we had a tremendous meal. The one thing both Alicia and I think is that the food quality has greatly exceeded our expectations. Enjoyed two glasses of Kirin beer with our food, the second beer was gifted to us by our waitress. A very generous offer that we thought was so cool. Going forward I know that the food in the hospital is quite bland so I am very glad to have experience the fantastic food of Moscow. We began with fried calamari.

The menu is very extensive with so many choices that all look awesome. We ordered a variety of things and shared it all. On our plates we found Salmon, Tuna, Octopus, Shrimp, Eel, Caviar, Duck Spring Rolls.

To top off another fantastic experience was some great desserts. Death by chocolate, an egg pancake filled with three types of chocolate and banana. A baileys cake was our second choice. Both absolutely divine. I think we have been totally spoiled and wonderfully surprised at how good and reasonably priced the cuisine is here.

Fun and games come to an end tomorrow when I get admitted into the hospital at noon.  


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