Our boxers are in my corner

Our boxers are in my corner

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Testing Day 2

Up and at them early this morning. Its going to be a long and busy day of testing. Started with swabbing of the throat and nose. Then a blood draw of 11 vials of blood. Two urine samples were taken also. Was told not to eat the breakfast that will be delivered this morning because of the abdominal ultrasound test later this morning. All in all not a bad start to the day.

Thinking back in time I remembered thinking that the testing in Moscow would just be a formality. Not really so sure of that any more. Several people, who were blogging of their experience, did not get HSCT because the did not get through the testing phase. I have a couple of concerns that potentially could upset the apple cart for me. I'm feeling a little more confident that those concerns are not going to be a deal breaker for me. But, they are there nonetheless. Would not be a fun experience to have to leave Moscow in two days because I did not pass the testing. Thinking positive!

Finished breathing test, cardiac ultrasound, abdomen ultrasound, and having a holter monitor connected to me for wearing overnight. The holter is not a standard test here for HSCT patients. Being that I have had some heart issues the doctor wanted to see what my heart does over a 24 hour period. More ultrasound tests to be expected this afternoon on my legs to check the circulatory well being of my legs.

Alicia and Bernard arrived from the hotel mid morning. Bernard's wife Sinead had her stem cell transplant today. Spent the rest of the day talking to other patients and carers. We all attended the stem cell birthday celebration for Sinead and Dave. Everyone was very happy and excited for them.

Testing day was not as tiring as I had expected. Glad that the MRI was performed last night instead of today. Alicia has been sick the last couple of days and returned to the hotel early to get some much needed rest. Will find out tomorrow what is the results of the holter test and if more cardiac tests will be needed. Hoping not and that the holter test turned out positive.

In case you ever wondered how to spell my name in Russian, here is the sign outside my door.

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