Our boxers are in my corner

Our boxers are in my corner

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Treatment day 9: Chemo round 2

Chemo rounds start around 9 am. We are given infusions with the chemo to help wash the chemo out of our bodies after they have done their thing. This is done to help protect our organs and bodies in general. No need to keep the poison wandering around damaging other things unnecessarily. The net result of this is extreme urination. Don't plan on going on any long distance travelling trips after one of these. Ha! It gets so bad that sometimes I just feel like staying on the toilet and keeping peeing rather than walking back to the bed just to have to turn around and go back to the toilet. j/k But it is a lot of urination to wash out the chemo.

One of our group members is having a difficult go at it with the chemo. Brian has had pretty severe vomiting and nausea. He's taking the maximum amount of anti nausea medication but still is not feeling top notch. I can only guess that it may be taking the intensity down a little. Hopefully he will be feeling much better today. He was pretty much bed ridden all day yesterday. That is very un Brian like. Today will be his last day of chemo and i am sure he is dying to complete that phase of treatment.

Brian is 1 day ahead of me on the chemo part, I finished my second day of chemo yesterday. Very grateful that i have had no deleterious effects of the chemo. "knock on "wood" I don't want to jinx myself and be projectile vomiting all day today. The group as a whole has really handled the chemo extremely well , with the exception of poor Brian. Hope his worst is over.

We are now on the cusp of our group members going through the transplant itself. Feel the excitement building within the group. My opinion is that transplant marks the riddance of our disease attacking our neurological system and we will view our body with a new beginning. Its a very exciting, emotional, and hopeful feeling that is hard to describe just how intense and personal it is.

There is not a lot to add to todays blog as we all are sleeping (resting our bodies). So not a lot of activity going on with the outside of our bodies. The insides are working overtime and all for the good of the big picture. Will be getting pictures of the upcoming stem cell birthdays as there will be a few back to back.

I've decided to ask the group, if they don't mid, if I put a post of each one of them with their bio on it. I would like to have one for my record and the readers will then get to meet them also. See if i can't get that done in the next day or two.

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