Our boxers are in my corner

Our boxers are in my corner

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Gratitude......and another slice of humble pie

I woke up this morning at 4:00 am. Immediately thought of a text message that I received from my friend Bill Squires. Grateful is the best way to describe how I feel when people will put themselves out to help another. Bill texted that he would like to have a BBQ fundraiser to help me with my transplant expenses. I am very humbled and grateful by his generous offer. A slice of humble pie for me. As I lay there I am overwhelmed with emotion, my chest swells, tears flow.

It takes me back a few years. The same level of emotion, the same thoughts of gratitude, eating humble pie. Many of you may remember the terrible car wreck that I was party to in 2009. There was many prayers circles organized around the country. People of whom I did not know sent me cards and prayed for me. Trust me, I could feel their faith and love. My friend Phil Ruge-Jones' teaching of Theology inspired me in this difficult time. I was still healing my 14 broken bones, collapsed lung, comatose state. RJ talked about God as energy and that really resonated with me. I wrote a paper on optimism because these two things intertwined in my mind. Prayer circles and the love that I felt gave me optimism and energy. God fueled my optimism and healing, all helped out by people. People like Bill. People like you. Again I am overwhelmed with emotion as I type. Again I am grateful. Again I eat another slice of humble pie.

Alicia and I have another friend who has offered to help us with BBQ fundraiser also. He told Alicia that he is honored to help us. It is I who is honored. Honored to know people like this. Honored to have them as friends. Most of all, very grateful. Another slice of humble pie please. And a larger belt as my waistline is ever expanding!

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